Walking is One of the Best Forms of Exercise

Apr 22, 2020

3 Top Tips to Help you Maximise the Benefit of your Walking Exercise

Walking is one of the great exercises and highly underrated in terms of fitness and movement health. At this time of social distancing walking has become one of the great ways to stay fit and healthy, check out these two info graphics below to help you understand the full benefits you can obtain from walking, both mentally and physically, it is an essential exercise that can be sometimes forgotten in our busy modern world.

Using walking, and walking well as per the tips in the video above, to help with back problems, improve circulation, strengthen your heart and utilise essential muscles that are often switched off during sitting.

Plus improve your risk of falls, walking speed is closely related to falls in the older population along with my favourite at this time reducing the risk of catching a cold along with improved bone mass and so much more.

Stay healthy, Stay Fit, Keep Walking