Can You Really Change the Way You Run?

Feb 29, 2020

Looking at movement patterns and asymmetry in a long distance runner –

Runners are a determined and focused group who work hard at training to improve their times. Many will discuss with our team that they are certain that their current technique cannot be changed, ‘I have run this way forever’ being a common line. I understand the thinking it is hard to imagine how you can change your technique however let me propose something for you to think about before you dismiss the idea;

Do you think that Joe Root never bothers working on his technical flaws because there is no chance of changing them? I doubt it he will be in the nets very day reinforcing the new pattern to learn and build a better neural pathway to improve his technique.

Do you think Darcy Bussell stopped practising her movement patterns if the producer felt she needs to improve a movement pattern? I doubt it she would have bene working twice as hard to get the movement right, changing the neural pathway and developing new patterns her body could complete.
Do you think David Beckham stopped practising his free kicks? No the neural pathway needs constant feeding to make sure the pathway is strong and efficient so you can access it when most required.

That is a big part of the running form changes that can be developed through skilled effective running technique coaching. Take a look at the video below and watch how the asymmetry present has improved, the runner is taller, stronger and smoother – exactly what you need for a more efficient runner. How do you work towards these goals? You can try small steps yourself however the hardest area about changing your movement patterns is not knowing where to start. How do you currently move and what do you actually need to change?

Step 1 – Get a running video analysis with an expert Movement & Running Coach.

Step 2 – Assess & Correct your Movement Patterns

Step 3 – Build Your Running Form through effective coaching

Step 4 – Develop your specific running strength requirements for you as a individual

So four simple steps and six training sessions can change your movement patterns.

Build A More Efficient Runner