The 2 Key Areas to Improve Your Running Speed

The 2 Key Areas to Improve Your Running Speed

Running Speed Development – Beyond Running Training ‘’Its all in the hips’’ a common phrase used amongst dancers,  however hip mobility and dynamic strength capability apply to all aspects of life and exercise. The hip joint and the surrounding muscles have an...
5 Top Tips for your Marathon Preparation

5 Top Tips for your Marathon Preparation

Get to the Start Line of Your Marathon ready to Race If you have been lucky enough to secure a place in a marathon this year there are some key factors you need to take into acocunt to make sure you have good marathon preparation and get to the start line in great...
Can building calf strength make you a dynamic runner?

Can building calf strength make you a dynamic runner?

Don’t forget your calves! When thinking about improving your running, we think to target 3 main muscle groups – your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. However, we often neglect to develop our calf muscle. By building your below-the-knee strength and power, you can...
Understand the Key to Unlocking Your Running Potential

Understand the Key to Unlocking Your Running Potential

Heart Rate Training – Can you use it in your programme? I’m sure you’ve heard of it, and it’s been around for a while. But let’s have an unpacking of heart rate training – some of the basics and how it can be used as an objective marker of your fitness and...