Technique – the cornerstone of your programme! Skip technique? It happens all the time in the strive for running perfection at the amateur level. Here’s why you should train your technique every week! I see this time and time again writing marathon...
As Fatigue Sets In Your Arms can Drive Your Technique & Kepp You Strong until the End of Your Race Arm positioning and movement patterns – What should you be doing? What are you doing with your arms when you are tired? They should be driving your Technique...
If Your Goal is to Run Faster, Beat Your PB’s then Intervals are a must for your Training Week This latest top tip explore 3 key reasons as to why this is essential for your training. It’s great to focus on your endurance, however without doing speed work...
What is the best way to get back to running after an injury? You are not a runner if you are not running. It is one of the huge frustrations of our sport however you can get back to your best again if you are careful about your return. Too often people rush the...