7 Great Hip Strengthening Exercises

Nov 1, 2019

Your lateral hip muscles are so important to your movement health, and you spend most of your day sitting in a chair lengthening them! And if you cross your legs you are adding more stress again on top of this.

Tiffany and I have put together 7 great exercises of different levels of challenge for you to target strengthening this area of your body.

Why? Essentially it helps knee control, back and pelvis rotation control, hip strength to improve running , climbing stairs, sports performance and much more.

Add to your gym routine, complete as a home exercise programme, do them after your run or training session. Most importantly make sure you add these to your weekly routine as I can assure you there is a chance you are not as strong here as you think.

Complete for 4 sets of 30-45 seconds at a level that means your are fatigued.

Build Stronger Hips